Yesterday was brilliant. I took a taxi, at fairly great expense, from Watford to the outskirts of Oxford to a slightly dilapidated social club where the Oxford University Dancesport Team was holding a dance competition. It's an annual event where all the former alumni are invited back to form a spur-of-the-moment 'old team' to compete against the current student team who have been practicing all year. It's only been running for the past two years, but this year's event was bigger and better than last year, and there were so many familiar faces there that it was quite an astonishing sight!
It was my first proper trip out anywhere for something non-medical since my operation, and I absolutely loved it. I caught up with so many people - there's was a bit of a constant stream of people coming up and saying "Dave, wow, you look great, how are you feeling?" I also had a *lot* of people quite anxious about me and trying to get me to stay sat down, but I was quite happy to stand up and cheer the 'old-team' (also proudly known as the sad-old-gits) and proffer my advice and observations to anyone who would listen.
I even,at one point did something resembling a Rumba, although it involved me pretty much standing almost entirely still and leading my partner around to do most of the actual moving. (I'm rather proud to say that she said it was the best leading she'd experienced all day).
I ended up leaving the house at 10am, laden with pills and potions, and got a lift back with some friends arriving back at around 6pm (I decided to forgo the pleasure of a huge and inevitably long dinner at the inaccurately named Pizza "Express" as I was getting tired). I had a grin on my face all day, and managed to lose my voice through cheering. There was some concern that this could lead to a throat infection, but given that I'm currently on an antibiotic, an antiviral and an anti-fungal then I suspect I don't have to worry too much!
I am now more determined than ever to get back to dancing fitness as soon as possible, in the best way possible. There were two dancing couples there who I used to compete against regularly until last year and they had both disturbingly improved in my absence from the dance-competition scene. I have work to do...
1 comment:
Sounds like a shame we missed the OTNT match - both for the dancing and as an opportunity to catch up with everyone! Glad to hear you had a good day - but very importantly who won? Not just on the judges' votes but on amount of tiger print and cheering too!
Any new ideas for dance tracks? I'm looking into hymns at the moment - somewhat less exciting but quite important!
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