Saturday, December 02, 2006

Good god, I am so amazingly inefficient its untrue. Yes, you may infer from the 11 month gap in posting to this blog that I am indeed feeling a lot better! So much has happened in the last 11 months its quite crazy really.

On the health front I gradually increased in strength and eventually started back at work after Easter. With careful looking after my health I had absolutely no further bouts of bacterial cholangitis (though a few false-alarms and courses of antibiotics just in case). My weight increased back to normal, and after a little work at the gym I actually gained some weight instead. A healthier diet, and drinking more water left me with even more energy than I had before. I've been more careful to not push myself when I'm feeling a bit run down and that's made a huge difference. I've hardly been ill at all - only one vague sniffle in the whole time.
The pruritis (itch) is still there. It varies from week to week, though its perfectly bearable in context of what happened last year! I do get the odd look from people on the train when I have one trouser-leg rolled up masonic-style to have a good old scratch, but frankly I'm a complete exhibitionist anyway (not news to anyone I'm sure - thanks Mum for those traits!)

Its been far more difficult coming to terms with Mum's death to be honest. For several months she appeared in my dreams every night and the tiniest thing could get me all tearful again. Selling her old house in Northwood was quite testing - I absolutely loathed going back in there as it always made be upset. Luckily that all finally got finalised and exchange in November at long last, which was a huge relief. We also had a small informal ceremony in Tenby to scatter Mum's ashes, and also those of poor old Gran who's been sat on a shelf for 3 years waiting for a member of her family to organise it. It was a very touching event and I'm quite proud of the way Charles and I organised it. It certainly has helped ease some of the pain, and I rather like the idea of mum floating around in the sea for ever more - she'd have liked that!

I decided that it would also be a good idea to invest the inheritance in a property of my own, and I moved out of my shared house in Streatham Hill in June into my very own two-bed appartment in Wimbledon, just out the Wimbledon Village area. Its a lovely place, and I've really enjoyed it, though the stress of moving and the bureaucracy was getting me a bit worried for a while! I'm letting the room out to one of my former co-tenants Tim - a good friend of mine from University. He's generally off abroad management consulting or up in Oxford with his girlfriend Jumin (who just got engaged, congratulations!) so we don't often see each other, but we've thrown some absolutely cracking dinner parties. Thankyou Gordon Ramsey for some inspiration there...

On the work front I decided to reduce my working week at Camden School for Girls from September down to 3 days a week. I've ended up working Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, so its not too taxing really.

On the dancing front I regretfully ended my partnership with Sharon in May. We'd ground to a bit of a halt, and it just didn't feel like we were making progress any more. Its still a shame though, as we were such fantastic friends and we hardly see each other any more.
After a few months I started dancing with Michelle, a 19 year old South African girl. She was really quite an amazing partner, and I learned a huge amount from her. We had just about got together all of our routines when she suddenly announced she was going to end the partnership and go and dance with a young Russian guy who had offered her job/accomodation etc. in a studio he worked at in Sheffield. I know the age gap had been an issue, and I don't blame her for taking what sounds like an amazing opportunity up, but I'm still sad that we never got to show the world what we were made of! So I'm now looking for a partner again. I'm considering turning professional though that really depends on whatever new partner I find.

The other important thing that has happened in my life recently is my new nephew Patrick. Charles and Kathy produced gorgeous little Patrick in September, and I'm completely besotted. I try and see him at least once a week, and I'm doing my best to be the best Uncle ever. So far I've done most of the dirty deeds including changing an appallingly pooey nappy. I know how to settle him to sleep, feed him, change him, bath him, make him giggle, and so on. I must be getting broody I think as I keep his latest picture on my mobile phone to show everyone. Shocking stuff. Still, he's a lovely lad and always has a good word for me (usually "agoo" or "waaah"). I make quite a pretty picture carrying him around Greenwich park in the baby sling I think. Well, he looks good anyway!

So that's the latest from me. If I can manage to avoid eating things with nuts in then I shall manage to avoid hospital altogether for quite a while, touch wood. With a bit of luck my plan to become the best dancer in the world ever will spring in to action when I finally find a new partner.
Watch this space, though on my previous record, I wouldn't do it too often or too hopeful of finding new musings!



Anonymous said...

I've no doubt in the world that, with all you've already pulled through, you could very definitely become the best dancer in the world. Easily.

Heck - you believe in you, and I'm sure everyone who knows you believes in you - what's holding you back?


Glad I helped to spur a blog-update after an 11-month hiatus! Never knew I had such power at my fingertips! :-P

All the best,
G. xo

Del said...

Great stuff Dave! Lovely to hear from you blogwise again. See ya Xmas Eve no doubt!