Tuesday, December 02, 2008

... and down again

I'm not quite sure how it is possible but when I rang up the transplant coordinators at Kings today on the pretence of asking about accomodation for family while I'm in hospital, I was told that apparently I am currently number 7 on the transplant list. How it is possible to officially move down is difficult to know.

There are two people I tend to speak to in the transplant coordinators office. One lady is extremely helpful and tells me all about the state of the waiting list, albeit with caveats. The other one, who i unfortunately get more often, is much more cagey. Today's line was "David, you need to get it in to your head that it is impossible for us to give you a meaningful number for where you are on the list."

I did try to explain that I could just as easily leapfrog people above me as be leapfrogged by people below, and finally she caved in and told me I was 7th. Trouble is, I don't know who she is including, or whether she is judging the list in the same was as my consultant did last week. Still, at least she did, once again, confirm that the Blood-type A list is moving very fast at the moment and that I need to be ready.

The itching and sleep problems are gradually getting worse, and I'm occasionally now having to take some painkillers (albeit only Paracetamol) for a dull aching feeling around my liver. Still, I know that despite that I'm still much fitter and in better health than pretty much everyone else on the list, so roll on the operation.

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