Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I've had a really lovely Christmas thanks to my wonderful family. I pretty much ignored the central heating which broke down on Tuesday and just shut up the flat and left for my brother's place. I had a lovely evening in St. Albans with Charles, Kathy, and the lovely little Patrick, and then got up early the next day to drive with them all to Peterborough to go on a special "Thomas the Tank Engine" Christmas Steam Train Special at a special railway there. It was brilliant fun, and I got some great photos.

In the afternoon I drove Patrick over to Dad and Carole's in the front of my car (an exciting special treat for him apparently), and Charles and Kathy soon joined us. We've had a brilliant Christmas Day, lots of great food, good company, and fun had by all. Poor Patrick has had a cough and was up a couple of times in the night last night, but fortunately my insomnia had kept me awake and I managed to relieve his parents and get him back to sleep (for which I felt very smug).

I guess I never expected to have got to Christmas without the transplant, and I suppose that I would have gorged on a lot more food and been more awake in other circumstances, but I'm glad it went as it did. I'm now looking forward to a couple more days with the folks, getting my new car, and seeing various friends next week.

I had a bizarre dream last night where Kings called me to say I'd missed their call and they'd had to cancel my operation. Very confusing, especially when I complained they hadn't rung me, but for some reason they were telling me that someone from WHSmith had told them the wrong number. My mind is very wierd. In actual fact I'm assuming its still quiet at the moment and that I'll start feeling ready for the op. again come the first or second week of Jan.

Still... I'm not going to complain if it's sooner :)

PS Just counted and it's 9 weeks on the list as of tomorrow lunch-time. Will the early and optimistic statement I got of "could be tonight, tomorrow, or a fortnight, just be ready. You'll almost certainly get done within 2-3 months though" come back to haunt them/me? (well, it's already haunting me!)

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