Friday, January 02, 2009

In to 2009

I'm round at my dad's house at the moment being given TLC as I've got a horrible bug of some sort. It's probably just a bad cold with a slight temperature, but I feel pretty dreadful. Given I'm not that energetic at the best of times then something like this makes me feel exhausted.

It all came on pretty suddenly - I just sneezed a few times yesterday and my nose started running during the NYE party in the evening. I rang the hospital to let them know and they said it shouldn't be a problem unless it goes to my chest and I need antibiotics of some sort. That's a relief - I don't want to be missing out on a transplant because of a cold!

Otherwise yesterday was a lovely day. I picked up my new car which is an absolute joy, and successfully got rid of my old one with the dealer none the wiser about the amount of work it needs to pass an MOT. I couldn't resist coming round to Dad's to show it to him, and then headed back home to create a costume for the "2008 events/people" fancy dress party last night. I went as the Chinese Earthquake - slightly tasteless perhaps but fun to do.

Today I've slept pretty much continuously for 15 hours until 7pm, then drove with the heating on full blast to be looked after by Dad and Carole. Having had some home-made soup and lots of hot drinks I'm sure I'll be on the mend very soon. I'm just hoping that I'll be able to sleep now having been asleep so much in the day.

1 comment:

Jeffrey Scott Long said...

I am sorry to hear you are suffering from the same illness as my Father. Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and leave your support. I hope everything goes well for you. Enjoy your new car.
RaeAnn Long