Thursday, December 08, 2005

An interesting development

Dr. O'Grady just came to see me. He seemed a good deal more positive about the idea of a transplant today, and about persuading other people that it should happen. He has decided to do a biopsy of my liver to add to the evidence in favour of transplant. This is a procedure done with local anaesthetic where they basically use a mini cork borer to take a small sample out, via a small hole in the side of the abdomen. Its apparently not painful, but feels a little wierd, and there is a bit of pain for a couple of days after - not entirely unlike going to the dentist to have a tooth out.

They're going to try and book me in tomorrow, which would mean leaving hospital on Saturday. They will be able to determine if the liver has any cirrhosis (severe, irreversible damage). If it does, then the case for transplant is very strong. There are a few indications that there may be cirrhosis there, but this will confirm it. If, however, there is no cirrhosis, then the case for transplant is weaker, though I am heartened to hear that Dr. O'Grady still considers it possible.

There are apparently a few risks. 5% chance of leaking bile into the abdomen causing agonising pain, though they use ultrasound to observe the procedure to try and keep this down. 0.1% chance of severe, life-threatening internal bleeding. There is also an unspecified risk of internal infection, but they will give me a hefty dose of a strong antibiotic both before and after, and I am still on my low-level daily Ciprofloxicin in any case.

All seems fair enough, I can cope with risks of that size. If they can't book me in until Monday then I will probably leave hospital tonight and come back Monday morning. I may even stay in my very own house in Streatham Hill in the meantime.

Better news today then, what a relief! It helps that I also got a good nights sleep at last, and also that finally after endless arguments and battles, some of my inheritance money is beginning to come through.

Minor things today: Sister thinks I'm insane to buy lunch every day instead of getting it made for me for free. I rather think she hasn't tried the food... Chef still asks me once or twice a day if I want food, but never appears too optimistic. If I'm in for another couple of days I may humour him again and take a chance... maybe!

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