Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm off!

Just a quickie. I'm heading off to hospital tonight, will be there around 9pm I think, then in for a few days. No idea how long I'll be in, but all visitors very welcome indeed as I do get bored!

Incidentally 'nother good day today - relatively large amounts of energy. Yay!


Del said...

Good luck, mate! I'll do my best to drop in and say hello.

Anonymous said...

Hope it all goes well. I don't know you from Adam but so far I've found your blog humbling and inspiring. Keep it up, I'm rooting for you, J

Peter Nixey said...


Ok, so some thoughts:

1. "my weedy skinny back" - you make yourself sound like Monty Burns and for those who don't know you from Adam are rather selling yourself short :)

2. I'm very impressed that you're already attracting random comments from people. I do a tonne of self publicity for my blog and haven't had anyone just pick me up out of the blue

3. Me/Jane/(prob) Ian etc. will all be coming to visit you on Sunday. Sorry it's all-in-one go but you're in such a bloody awkward hospital that it takes forever to get to you so I'm afraid I've got to keep it for a weekend too

3. Don't worry, I won't talk to you about work again - not sure I can handle that much reality ;)

take care mate,