Monday, December 05, 2005

Sleepy day

Well, all that brain work on the poem seemed to exhaust me, plus repeated sleepless nights, and I had a bit of a disappointing day today. I just could never keep my eyes open properly for more than an hour or so at a time, and I've been feeling really hot and uncomfortable. I did worry this was the onset of more fever/infection and was all set for another course of intra-venus antibiotics, but apparently my temperature is normal so it really is just my room that's hot and sweaty - phew.

The dreaded arterial blood test happened today when a doctor came in and woke me up. Like everyone else he called it the "dreaded" test, and said it could really hurt, and told me to grab his arm and squeeze hard if necessary. I doubt whether I've suddenly become well-'ard, so I'm probably just have fortunately desensitised wrists, but it didn't really hurt much at all, though I could (turn away now ye squeamish types) feel the needle going in very deep this time, and its a little bit sore after. Still, nowhere near as bad as I'd worried.

They also did an ECG on me, involving sticking on about 12 sticky pads at various points and hooking them all up to a big printer thing that spewed out a piece of paper showing various readings of my heart beat. The nurse said it looked generally ok, though the doctor would look more accurately.

So now nothing really to do until Wednesday and seeing the consultant. I emailed him my poem, a bit cheekily, so I'll be amused to hear what he says. I've already had a quite overwhelming response from other people including a lady in the USA saying she thinks they'll publish it in the PSC-disease newsletter over there. Ooh er! Well, at least my brain apparently still works anyway...

Other minor points about today. Chef looked a bit shocked when I turned down all food from him *again*. I overheard him complain to Sister that I wasn't eating, though I didn't hear her response, and she hasn't bothered me about it. Surviving well with food so far - finished off the food from Dad for lunch and got one of my favourite nurses to microwave a delicious ready-meal that Jane brought in for me. I almost feel I might have to order a meal from the kitchen here tomorrow to keep 'em from complaining, though whether I eat it or just hide it is another question.

Roll on a sleep-filled night and an energetic tomorrow, I hope...

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