Monday, March 02, 2009


Well, I've been doing pretty well so far, but a very minor blip has developed today. Most of my stitches has fallen off/out except for the knots at the end, and in the junction of the "T". I may have got a little bit overenthusiastic with the encouragement to help these knots fall off too, and despite my care with the old antiseptic-wipes they have become infected.

I suspected it yesterday, but today it was for definite, and they are both a little bit disgusting and also sore and getting more painful. Unfortunately of course I have very little immune system to fight the infection off so I'm off to the GP tomorrow to almost certainly be given a hefty dose of antibiotics. The GP will have to discuss which one with the team at Kings College Hospital to ensure it doesn't interact with my immunosuppression, and also so that it does not make me ineligible for the drug trial.

The concern would be that it spreads, and I get a fever. We're definitely not anywhere near there yet, but its certainly significantly more painful today than it has been for a while even with the maximum pain medications that I have to take. 

It is certainly only a blip though. Once the antibiotics kick in then it'll all clear up and I'll be back on track, but its a slight disappointment. 

On the upside today I did still get out with Carole to go to do some shopping in Costco which was a nice normal thing to do. I also did some research work for my job at school - it certainly surprised some of the assistant heads when I emailed them with my report! Brilliant to be doing something constructive and useful though - I'm going to try and do more of that in the coming days and week, no question.

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