Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Strange looking dressings

I've just come back from the GP. The wound is definitely infected, and the practice nurse swabbed it in two places and sent the samples off to the Watford General Hospital for analysis. She then put some funny little yellow gauze patches over the infected areas (antiseptic) and stuck what looks a bit like sticky-back-plastic over the top. She apparently doesn't hold with the surgeon's advice to 'leave the wound open and let it breath'. In fact she says its nonsense and only makes sense if you're lying in hospital not touching it. In real life it is bound to get dust and dirt in and so it needs covering and redressing.

The GP came and had a look and decided it probably needed treating with antibiotics. She phoned Kings to check which drugs were banned under my clinical trial. They suggested not treating the infection until they could have a look, and said that as long as I didn't have an elevated temperature or pulse rate, and as long as the wound wasn't looked hugely puffed up or angry then I should just wait until clinic on Thursday (though if I do develop any of these I need to ring them and come in to be seen in Kings). However the registrar there then wanted to check with a senior consultant so that advice may possibly change (though seeing as its now been 2 hours I doubt it). 

So I've had my wounds dressed with antiseptic pads, and been patted on the head. I feel better about it, and I'm happy to wait until Thursday.

Update: The registrar from Kings called me this evening to check I was ok with the advice. She said that if I get a temperature, swelling, raised pulse, or hot-feeling around the wound then to ring her as she's on call all tonight and they'd bring me in. Otherwise it should be fine to wait until Thursday. She was going to book me an ultrasound just to check until I pointed out I already have one scheduled for the clinical trial. I still feel fine, and happy to wait. The dressings seem to be doing the job and 'drawing out the nasties'. The pain isn't really bad at all this evening.

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