Saturday, March 07, 2009

Looking forward to dancing

I guess the antibiotics have been holding the infection at bay for the moment - certainly it hasn't noticably cleared up yet, but then I guess my immune system is doing its part of the job rather slowly. I'm still stooping a bit and having to keep the exercise levels lower as the infected areas are still quite sore, but in the last couple of days my energy levels have just been spectacular!

I'm so alert and motivated at the moment that I'm storming through my to-do lists. Luckily most of the to-do lists involve working on the laptop or sorting paper-based things out. When the infection clears up I'll get on to the jobs that require walking around and moving. One of the things I'm looking forward to doing is some specific exercises, like stretches and some very gentle work with light weights for my arms and shoulders. I know from experience that I can eat a really stupid quantity of food every day with little effect but the only way I really put on weight it by using weights. I have no intention of going to a gym just yet though, of course!

I'm incredibly excited this evening, as it happens, as tomorrow I'm off to Oxford (by outrageously expensive taxi) to watch the "sad old gits" dancing team (of whom I would normally be a proud member) go back to our alma mater and take up the young upstarts of the current team. It's always a great occasion and I can't wait to see everyone and watch some dancing. I'm going to probably have to strap myself to a chair though to make sure I don't even think about trying to dance. (I really won't - it would really hurt!)

My first trip out for something non-medical. And my first dancing event for months. Woo hoo!!

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