Sunday, February 22, 2009

Boredom leads to poetry - sorry...

I'm definitely getting bored, I just started writing poetry. Go back 3 and a bit years in this blog and the point where I was *really* bored was the point where the poetry started.

Well here it is, with apologies:

Hospital Verse

It's a terrible curse
to be seen by a nurse
who is sullen and cold
and exceedingly terse.

When you try to converse
they are clearly averse,
and nothing is gained
from attempts to coerce.

But I guess it's perverse
that to have the reverse -
a nurse who is ceaseless -
could well be far worse.

On the whole I'm averse
if they can't intersperse
a few words, though I'd soon
not hear chapter and verse.

So if you learn nursing
My tip for conversing?
Practice makes perfect,
but no over-rehearsing!

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