Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 5 - end of a great day

Today has has a huge number of milestones in it.
This morning I was a bloated bag of tubes in fairly constant pain, and coughing a lot.

By tonight I have:

- had my nasal feeding tube removed
- cleared up the cough thereby removing the pain of coughing
- had my catheter removed
- had several drugs changed to oral varieties
- managed to shuffle-walk 30m unaided, then back again.
- had my nasal oxygen tubes removed
- had a UV scan of my new liver which was very successful.
- got up and had a wash and shave.

This has been an amazing day! Each step in itslf was fairly important, but together they really make for stunningly happy day.

Tomorrow is soft-food-starting day, which is very exciting. Also I'll have my last main drain removed, I hope.

Thanks very everyone's kind words of support that I've read so far, and continue to read!


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