Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Olympic record post PSC-transplant!

I just read an amazing article about an olympic skiier who won bronze after PSC and a liver transplant. Ok, so to give you some idea of what an amazing recovery sounds like - this guy was out of hospital after *4 days*, and skiing again after 2 months.


Now that is pretty inspiring stuff! The next time someone is about to tell me not to overdo it I refer you to the above article... (although it does actually make me want to scream when people do that - why would anyone think I would actively try and do myself harm???!?!?!?!?)

I think I'm going to talk to the physios again tomorrow to get some more ideas about how to relieve this extraordinary tightness in my abdomen - I couldn't stand up straight now even if I tried. Still, this is a good little reminder about setting goals, and not allowing yourself to be 'ill'.

Incidentally I am considering asking to stay in hospital until Friday as they want to see me in the outpatients clinic on Friday morning anyway, so it would save a lot of to-ing and fro-ing. More news as I decide.

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