Monday, February 23, 2009

Home at last

Oh, finally! I'm sat on the sofa at Dad and Carole's in Watford. I am stuffed with chicken soup, and I've got my feet up watching an episode of The West Wing on TV.

It's a wonderful feeling, if slightly surreal. I've just written out an enormous chart that i've laminated and stuck up on the wall that I can use to tick off my medications each day. I've split it in to 7 separate times of the day, with various combinations at each time. I'm going to use a whiteboard marker and wipe it clean each day.

That's a lot of drugs...

I was so jumpy this morning after I got the news that I could go home, and excited. I practically skipped around the ward (not a good look). It did take a while to organise transport, but I had enough time to pack up my things, and went to my neighbour next-door on the super-urgent liver transplant list to wish him good luck. I've got his mobile number and email address and I'm going to keep in touch and see how he does.

The journey home was actually very straightforward. The hospital eventually organised a taxi to my flat, and I arrived about a minute before Carole arrived on the train from Watford. I picked up a few more clothes, then Carole drove me back to Watford in my car. Dad has a slight cold, and in a state of wonderful caution has taken to wearing a surgical mask if we're in the same room.

But wow, it is so nice to be home. I may well blog slightly less regularly while I'm here, but I'll definitely keep it up for the moment. Thanks everyone for your wonderful messages of support and concern during the difficult days of hospital - it has really meant a lot to me.

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