Saturday, February 07, 2009


It hurts! This morning, the doctor came round and took my tube out, so I can breathe properly. That meant that the sedative could be taken away, so I could wake up properly. However, with the waking up came the pain, and it all really hurts! Nevertheless, there is a silver cloud (apart from the morphine, that it!), and the surgeon who operated came around and told me that the operation went well, and that he would expect me to be out of intensive care tomorrow. My sister-in-law is visiting me at the moment, and she's doing most of the talking, since my throat is sore, and my mouth is really dry. I'm not allowed the drink anything, and all I can use is a swab to wet my mouth - it's not the most effective. She says that my facial colour is great - not yellow at all - go new liver! I had a quick chat with my brother on the phone, and am expecting a call from Dad soon. Visitors are good, and I am now welcoming all and sundry to come and see me whenever they get a chance. It really helps distract me, and it's pretty boring in here! I am on the liver intensive care ward on the second floor of the main building of Kings hospital - visiting times 1pm to 10pm, excluding 5.30 to 7. Tomorrow I'm probably going to be moved, but I'm not sure where to - probably the Todd ward or possibly the DH Lawrence ward. I don't know when visiting times will be there, but at that point I'll have my phone, so you'll be able to call. I look forward to seeing as many of you who can make it!

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