Friday, February 06, 2009

Thumbs up!

I am still unconscious because I have a light level of sedative, so I won't be uncomfortable about the tube in my throat, which is helping me breathe. Unfortunately that is causing my blood pressure to be a bit low, but I have other drugs for that. I am being cared for by a lovely nurse called Becky, who has been tending my every whim, and she's looking after the multitude of monitors attached to me, and tubes feeding and drugging me. The doc reckons that they'll be taking the breathing tube out tomorrow afternoon, and waking me up, but there have been a few times when I have drifted into consciousness already. One of these times was when Charles touched my arm, and I woke up, tried to focus on him and then, when I realised I couldn't speak due to all the tubes, I gave him the thumbs up. First communication from a newly livered man!

Night night!


Shawnee said...

"Dave", thanks for posting these. I love that you are able to post in the first person! :)

Chris D said...

Dave - so glad it sounds like the op has gone ok. Thinking of you. Hopefully see you very soon, love Chris & Hazel